
We are proud to ship Australia-Wide, and we offer a Flat-Rate shipping structure to give equal opportunity to all of our customers, whether you live Metro or Rural. You can also Pick-Up directly from our warehouse if you are local and want to save on freight costs.


Our freight charges cover the cost of regular freight to metro regions, please contact us prior to purchasing if you wish to make pickup arrangements from transport depot's or if your delivery address is outside of regular metro areas and we will provide you with a best quote to your area.


If you purchase products and the freight cost is excessively high, we will be in touch and you may be required to pay additional freight costs where the cost of freight is excessively non-economic for us as a small business to cover. To make this fair for everyone, this is where the freight cost exceeds 50.00AUD from what you have been charged.


If you have any further questions regarding shipping, don't hesitate to send us an email and we will assist you as best as possible and come up with a viable solution: